What We Do

Delta Hire Ltd supplies hired oil filtration equipment with flexible terms to companies looking to improve and maintain the health of their equipment.

Did you know that 80% of machinery breakdown is caused by problems relating to dirty oil? Oil is a natural product and is subject to varying degrees of stress and contamination within machinery. It is the lifeblood of machinery but is often overlooked aside from a scheduled Oil Change.

Purchasing of new oil, and disposal of old is a costly exercise, even before machine downtime is factored in. We offer a solution to extend the life of the oil, therefore reducing the need for regular change out – all backed up with oil analysis from a leading global independent laboratory.

Industry today is facing increasing pressure to lower CAPEX costs and provide forecasted figures, but how do you predict a machinery breakdown?

With Delta Hire, you have a regular OPEX cost that constantly cleans your oil, and subsequently, the internal components of your machinery. Furthermore, with our Oil Analysis programme, you will be able to see from your baseline oil, if you have ingress of particulate therefore signifying a upcoming failure of machinery components.

70% of particulate found in oil is below 1 Micron in size. Deltta Hire

filters down to 0.1 micron, we reach particulate that others cannot, couple this with incredible Varnish Removal without the need to cool oil or add anything into the system, we’re a one stop shop for your fluid health.

— Paul Managing Director

 Our Approach

Predictive maintenance regimes that will ensure the health of your vital fluids and machinery wrapped up in a single regular payment. Our Filtration products start as low as £10, with no hidden costs. Our units can filter up to 22,000 litres of oil.

Have you considered the environmental impact of disposing of used oil vs filtering and reusing it? Oils degrade over time, and without maintenance, machinery will fail due to aged oil. Our unique filtration system will not only recover and clean these fluids, the fluid itself is likely to become cleaner than new. Help protect the environment and your businesses pocket by utilising a proven, innovate solution for fluid health and management. All in a simple hired monthly price.

 An example of where our equipment is currently installed:

Power Generation – Gas Turbines, Control Systems and Generators, Cranes, Marine Thrusters, Gearboxes, Paper Milling Machines, Pumps, Injection Moulding Machines, Lifts, Conveyors, Turbines, Compressors, Transformers

Speak to a specialist today